Teacher yoni steam, Elsa Camillia, nectar of women

During my insights, I decided to study Holistic Health Therapy.

After two years, I decided to continue the direction to Hips Releas Therapy. 

I sold my house, ended my job and relationship, bought me a Hymermobile and created different perspectives of my life. 

Little by little, I started to become more of my authentic self. I surrendered, through and beyond the fear, trusting in the inner process. Through the darkness, in love towards myself and in love towards the rest of the world. Without judgment. I learned to say NO and yes.

I realize that life is about accepting that what you can’t control, letting go, over and over again. And take action where needed. This is how I remain surrender and trust in my being.

Grateful and with respect for life and everyone, I would like to guide you in a part of your life process. 
When you fall, you will get back up, in your own time. 

So relax, breath deep and enjoy the process of life here on earth.